What to Consider in a Job Offer Abroad

According to experts, working abroad does not necessarily mean career growth. Therefore, it is important to evaluate all factors that can influence the success of your experience living abroad before you depart. Here are some points you should consider before deciding to accept a job offer abroad.


First and foremost, understand what you will receive if you accept the offer. Ensure you will have a good fixed salary and that the company will provide other benefits such as rent, health insurance, and education for your children.

Additionally, evaluate whether the job will add a competitive edge to your resume.


Moreover, check if the payment will be made in a strong currency, such as the euro, dollar, or pound sterling, and ensure the salary you will receive aligns with the cost and quality of life in the country.

Type of Contract

Furthermore, understand what type of contract it will be. Know if the offer has a predefined term and have an idea of how long you can stay abroad. This way, you will know if it is worth accepting the offer.

The Company

In addition, research the company thoroughly. Learn about the company’s strategies, understand their medium and long-term plans, and check if the project has already started or if you will need to start it from scratch.

Analyze all these points and weigh the guarantees and risks of accepting the offer.

What You Need to Know Before Moving to Another Country

If you have received a job offer abroad and are unsure whether to accept it, consider not only whether the offer is attractive but also other crucial factors before making a decision, such as:

Do You Identify with the Country’s Culture?
Seek information about various aspects such as the market, the country’s politics, population, religion, customs, language, etc. Also, know that not every country welcomes immigrants warmly.

Think about whether you are prepared to live in a country with a different culture and if you identify with that culture.

Will Your Family Support You?
Furthermore, discuss the job offer abroad with your family and ask what they think about it.

Some questions to consider include:

Will you travel alone or with your spouse and children?
If you don’t travel with your family, will you handle the distance well?
In any case, ensure that family matters are “in order” to increase the chances of a successful experience working abroad.

Is It the Right Time?
Additionally, consider if it is the right time for a change. Think about your career plan and understand if it is the right time to make this transition.

How is the Quality of Life in the Country?
Before accepting a job offer abroad, research the quality of life in the country where you might work and compare it with the quality of life you have in Brazil.

It is also important to research the cost of living in the area and whether public services in that country are efficient. This way, you can decide if the move is worth it.

Key Documents for Translation

To work legally abroad, gather essential documents, such as:

  • Passport (in some cases, such as working in a Mercosur country, only your identity or RG may be required);
  • Dual citizenship or visa (depending on the country). When you receive a job offer abroad, the foreign company may send the offer or even the employment contract in advance – you will need this document to apply for a work visa. Note that each country has its requirements regarding the documentation for a work visa. Therefore, we recommend seeking information about all the required documents on the Consulate or Embassy website of the country where you plan to work;
  • School diplomas, academic transcripts, and certificates.

Generally, you will need to translate documents such as school diplomas, academic transcripts, and certificates issued in Brazil. In these cases, obtain the Hague Apostille to authenticate the origin of a public document and make it valid abroad. However, verify with the Consulate or Embassy of the country which documents need translation in this case.

Do I Need Travel Insurance?

We highly recommend getting travel insurance whenever you travel to Brazil or abroad. Travel insurance covers unforeseen events such as medical and hospital emergencies, flight cancellations, lost luggage, sanitary repatriation, among other coverages, depending on the plan you choose.

Not all countries require travel insurance as an entry requirement, and immigration officers usually do not demand it for individuals with a residence visa (such as a work visa) for the country. However, having travel insurance is essential, at least for the initial stage of your arrival in the country, in case of any emergency. Once you are established and everything is in order regarding your legal status, travel insurance is no longer necessary, as public health in most countries is only accessible to residents.

Where to Get Travel Insurance?

You can purchase travel insurance through a travel agency, insurance company websites, or travel insurance comparison sites like Seguros Promo.

At Yellowling, we recommend buying through Seguros Promo. It is a reliable site that offers a variety of plans with great cost-benefit. You can use filters and compare up to four plan options to choose the best protection for you!